Life Insurance Policy
Importance of life insurance policy for any person
As all of us are doing some work in our life and earning money.
Money plays an important role in our life, our all dream come true trough money so we have to always care about of money because it is an important factor of all our need every time in our life from our birth to our death.
Now a big question arouses if we are able to earn money through any resource. How we manage our earned money, how we save it, how we invest it, how we multiply it.
So, management of money after earning is a big question for all the earning person.
Unfortunately, this subject of money management in not in our syllabus when we are studying in any school college or in any institute.
There are number of investment tool in market for investment. All are good and decent but we have to invest in planned way and in smart way.
My suggestion for any new investor is the first to take the life insurance policy for himself if you are earning member of your family.
Every earning member should have a life insurance policy of sufficient amount.
As I realize that most of the earning members are avoiding the life insurance policy because they do not know the importance of life insurance policy.
There are lack of knowledge among the people in the society about the life insurance policy, this situation is very unfortunate. There must be any source in the society to teach about the right way of investment that help all the person to invest in a planned manner so that the society get more benfited through investment policies of all type.
Now I am telling the full detail of Life Insurance policy
There are two type of life insurance policy available for us one is term life insurance policy and 2nd is endowment life insurance policy, both type of life insurance policies are good and people take it by their choice.
But problem is that most of the people don’t know that what is term life insurance policy and what is endowment type life insurance policy.
The reason of this lack of knowledge is that there is no platform in our social structure where the someone tell about the process of investment and type on investment. And particularly about the life insurance policy.
Now I m telling u why such of situation is develop in our social system, the first reason is that we want everything in fast (हम सब कुछ तुरंत चाहते है और अपनी इसी चाहत में वो गलती करते है जो हमें नहीं करनी चाहिए). When a person wants to invest in any plan or scheme, he looks into the scheme and see the full detail and after seeing everything he said that return is very less and time is more this is the mistake that he is doing, in this world there is no where easy money and fast money. and particularly in life insurance policy.
इन्सान की सब कुछ बहुत जल्दी पाने की चाहत उसको मुसीबत में डाल देती है और एक बार जब वो फंस जाता है तब ये कहता है की काश मैंने वो ना किया होता |
इसलिए मेरी ये सलाह है आप सभी को कि आप पहले पूरी जानकारी ले लीजिये और फिर कोई निर्णय लीजिये | और अगर कोइ life insurance policy आपको लेनी है तो आप आराम से सबसे पहले जानकारी ले लीजिये फिर कोई निर्णय लीजिये |
2. second reason that most of the persons not ready to listen other person due to their false ego. Most of the person think that they know all the things and there is no one in this world who can teach them. This is the other reason that most of the person not have the life insurance policy insurance policy is issued by life insurance company through a life insurance advisor, when life insurance advisor approaches any person a psychological problem arouse in the mind of a customer why he should buy, It is a fraud, there is something wrong in it, this is scam, what is benefit of this life insurance advisor and many more and in the effect of all these unnecessary thoughts he is not ready to listen anything and loose the opportunity to take a life insurance policy
4. When more than one life insurance advisor meets with a person then an unnecessary ego developed in the mind of a person along with the psychological thoughts discussed above, and again he is not showing any interest in the scheme of life insurance policy.
5. Most of the person are in hurry of increasing there money as fast as they can and in this desire they are not showing any interest in the life insurance policy.
6. there are no any education system in our society to teach the person for there money management and due to this most of the person are investing in the scheme of the other types in that there may be some risk also.
In spite of all there are number of reasons that people are not showing interest in the life insurance policy, and this situation is unfortunate of the economic health of the country, and economic safety of family of a person.
There are most of the person in the society that they are spenting there money in gambling in purchasing the unnecessary gadgets and many more objects that are not as useful as the life insurance policy but when a life insurance advisor approaches them to take the life insurance policy, they are showing no interest in it. This is very unfortunate situation and lack of knowledge about the all the financial assets of India.
As I realize that in our country people are spending their money in
The life insurance policy is an important financial asset not for a person but also for the family of that person who is taking a life insurance policy but there is lack of knowledge and awareness about the importance of life insurance policy. There need a proper education for the financial asset in the society particularly for the life insurance policy.